Dhiraj Rabha is an emerging artist from Borali Gaon, Assam, whose work deeply explores personal identity and communal memory. Growing up in a former ULFA detention camp, he draws on his experiences to address themes of loss and violence. Rabha holds a Bachelor's in Political Science and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting, culminating in a Master of Fine Arts from Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati University. His accolades include the Prince Claus Seed Award (2023-24) and participation in the Khoj Peers Residency (2024). Rabha has exhibited at the Serendipity Arts Festival and received a Production Grant from the India Foundation for the Arts in 2022. His practice involves site-specific installations and research-based projects, reflecting a commitment to bringing social narratives into public consciousness through thorough community-engagement. He continues to illuminate the intricate connections between identity, context, and memory.
Dhiraj Rabha draws from the evocative memories of a Rabha tribal kitchen, where the bamboo structure known as the ongari preserves items above the fire in layers of smoke. This installation transforms the ongari into a powerful metaphor with its burning embers and smoke symbolising both the warmth of preservation and the haze of obscured histories.(..)
Potthead Studio
Learn MoreNov 29, 24- Dec 8, 24
Add to CalendarDec 24, 24-
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