Archana Hande

Archana Hande began her artistic career as a printmaker. Her practice then transitioned to include various mediums, including video, installation and drawing. Hande’s projects explore a wide range of social themes - from the religious and sociological tradition of arranged marriages, to the role of institutions and museums as sites of power. She curates interactive displays and spaces that challenge normative ideas, committed to engaging diverse communities in meaningful dialogue Hande’s work has been showcased in numerous exhibitions world-wide, and she continues to explore the intersections of art, society, and culture.

Artists: Reba Hore, Somnath Hore, The Realists, Archana Hande, Samit DasLabour Movements, Migration, Right of Artisans, Architecture Spaces, Mass Production and Printmaking are the key characters and sutradhars of this narration that focuses on key episodes from 20th century colonial India and the post-independence nation.(..)

– (excerpt) Curator’s Note; Imprint - ছাপ

Somnath Hore Studio

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Nov 29, 24- Dec 8, 24

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