Potthead Studio

Founded in 2020 by Subhojit Chowdhury in the artistically rich surroundings of Santiniketan, West Bengal, Potthead Studio began as his personal studio dedicated to pottery and ceramic sculpture. Initially a personal creative space, the studio has now diversified into various forms of visual arts, encompassing a myriad of mediums, including painting, printmaking, stone carving, bronze casting, and space design. Potthead Studio has organically evolved into a collaborative enclave, drawing inspiration from philosophy, daily life, artistic traditions, and human expression. This fusion fosters an environment of shared exploration and experimentation, enabling artists to transcend conventional boundaries and engage in transformative practices. With a vision to nurture innovative ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration, Potthead Studio aspires to cultivate a vibrant community dedicated to profound artistic engagement and the dynamic interplay of creativity.

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Tracing Footprints on Fading Ground

Mahesh Baliga’s paintings are layered not only with pigment but with the rich sediment of art history, visual quotes from predecessors, and fragments of the world around him. He is a painter’s painter, navigating a delicate space between semi-realism and restrained magic realism.


Dhiraj Rabha draws from the evocative memories of a Rabha tribal kitchen, where the bamboo structure known as the ongari preserves items above the fire in layers of smoke.